YOUnique Club

This 4-week club will engage students through small and large group fun weekly activities and open discussions. The discussions of the week will include self-esteem, building growth mindset (social/emotional), healthy relationships/friendships and stress.

90-minute sessions for students in Grades 5-8.

Stay Tuned for Future Offerings!

Please click the interest button if you want to discuss a spot in the program for your child.


Program Fee: TBD

At LDA-LR, we do not want our fees to act as a barrier to any family registering for our programs. During the intake and registration for program phase, our staff would be pleased to discuss with you the option of reducing or waiving fees.


If your child is new to our programs please click on the button to complete the new client intake form. Please be prepared to include documents that are being requested throughout the form (assessment documentation, IEPs, report cards). We will contact you to discuss the programs and services you are interested in as well discuss any questions you may have.

If your child is a returning client registering for our programs/services for children and youth please click on the button below and proceed to complete the returning client registration form. Please be prepared to include documents that are being requested throughout the form (updated IEPs and report cards). Once your registration has been processed, an email of confirmation will be sent to you.


*Once you have your spot confirmed by our LDA-LR team, details on how to make a payment will be sent to you via email.