Fully Accessible? Imagining Accessible Futures in a Post-AODA Ontario

In a few weeks, Ontario will officially fall short of the AODA’s promise to create a “fully accessible” province by 2025. But what comes next?

To mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities, I am excited to invite you to join us at King’s—either in person or virtually—on December 3rd at 2:30 PM for an engaging panel discussion with local and provincial thought leaders. Our panelists will explore three critical questions:

  • What lessons can be drawn from the shortcomings of the AODA?

  • How can we chart a better path forward over the next two decades?

  • Is a fully accessible Ontario even possible?

This is a free event, and everyone is welcome to attend. I would also appreciate it if you could take a moment and share this invitation with folks in your networks who might be interested in contributing to this important conversation.

For those looking to attend in person, or to learn more about the panelists, head over to: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fully-accessible-imagining-accessible-futures-in-a-post-aoda-ontario-tickets-1082413701519

Those looking to attend virtually can register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gDx_kilOQCWtESasJRJvFw

Questions around access needs can be forwarded to Jeff Preston, at jeff.preston@uwo.ca.


Participants needed for Language and Literacy Study


Exciting OTF Grant News!